Community News
2014 MLK Parade!!
2014 Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade Celebration
Hosted by The City of Riviera Beach
Who’s Ready for MLK Day???! Because we’re ready here at for the Annual MLK Parade hosted by the Historic City of Riviera Beach FL. For the past 30 years there haven’t been a year passed that the City of Riviera Beach FL didn’t show its significance to carry on the King’s Dream by hosting this Parade and shutting down one of its main entry points off of I-95 to this small City, just to showcase its beautiful people! Old and young, rich or poor, black or white, male or female of all race, gay, straight, religious belief, and political party affiliation, they all get together as a community to share their Dreams and the content of their character, the same Dream that our late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Died and fought for us to exercise today, a right that is often taken for-granted. This Parade is also a reminder for us all, to remember that Freedom didn’t come with this much equality and it definitely wasn’t always this comfortable to be your full self in this Great Country of ours.
This eclectic Annual Parade commence @ 11 a.m., this January 18th 2014, usually a 2 hour event at estimation. The Parade’s starting point kicks off with a Band at the Blue Heron Blvd and Congress Avenue’s intersection, then it moves eastward toward its end point on Blue Heron Blvd and H Avenue’s East intersection, with an option to follow the Parade as it goes along east Blue Heron Boulevard with performances on floats or on foot, which most attendees do follow just to catch every performance pieces multiple times. It is only once a year that you’re able to witness and enjoy the magic of these local individuals to this magnitude, so it’s a very special moment for the whole community to gel and be in unison with one another, even if it’s just for a few hours.
In this Parade you will be exposed to not just talented local performers, but local commercial businesses also. You’ll witness future fortune 5 businesses make their presence felt in this Historic Parade. There’s no telling who you may see rolling on a float; From Riviera’s own NFL record holder Devin Hester, to Matt Elam, who knows. All we know is that it is a very special electrifying upcoming event that you will not want to miss this January in our eclectic community in Riviera Beach, with all the ups and downs that we go through as a small City in Palm Beach County year round, like having the County’s first murder of 2014 right in the belly of our city, it’s good for us to kick off the year with this big engaging positive energy in the streets of our City.
Even though it’s a small municipal in size, but as a City full of Historical value in strong willed Americans, they are made of neighborhoods full of resilient people that are unwilling to give up Hope and a better future for their children, even through its often grave circumstances being both high in the Country’s National Poverty and Crime rates, The City of Riviera Beach still make a way to show their love and dedication to its peaceful & prominent roots, its people, by continuing to bring them together; pass, present and future, all in this traditional Parade, with special thanks to its Mayor Bishop Thomas Masters, Ms. Dozier, the full Staff and Councils at the City of Riviera Beach for making sure that City upholds this anticipating annual day of joy for the whole community. As the MLK Parade has become the pride and joy of our history in The Raw, to celebrate and Honor the Birth of a Great American Leader and Civil Rights Activist year after year.
Happy Birthday to the late Great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
For any information concerning the MLK Parade, please contact the offices at the City of Riviera Beach. There will be strict security enforced throughout this awesome parade for the safety of every individual in the community, including its visitors, please cooperate and don’t take this as an offense, the law enforcement officers are just doing their job, it’s for your own good and the safety of your loved ones in the crowd if they tell you to “move along, or don’t stand there”. Please come in peace and UN-intoxicated! Come with an open state of mind to enjoy the wonderful entertainment that will be taking place this year.
Please tell and bring a friend, come out in great numbers this January 18th, 2014 to show support and witness Riviera Beach’s 30th Annual MLK Parade, let’s make history this year. Again please, please, please come in peace, this is for MLK, past events have had fights and other discrepancies that have disrupted the flow and vibe of this great Parade for a man that promoted peace to his dying day, please be aware that there will be small children and pregnant women in the crowd, show respect and be respectful to the person standing next to you. Please.
Your participation in this year’s event will keep this Parade going strong, so that your future great great grand children can see it for themselves and do the same in their time. Like MLK, always Dream Big!
If you wish to participate this year, please call, write or stop by the City of Riviera Beach and show your enthusiasm for this great annual event. Let’s keep it going strong!
Please click >>Here<< for the direct link to the City’s MLK Event Page, for more information on how to sponsor or how to be a vendor. We’ll see you all out there…
City of Riviera Beach
600 West Blue Heron Blvd.
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
(561) 845-4000
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Thanks for tuning in!
A: News Flash By: Marvel & King Pip!
Written by: Marvel Saffold & Randy Pipman for
This News Flash was Brought to you By: Frank Electronics