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Your Long Journey to Nowhere


Your Long Journey to Nowhere

Your Long Journey to Nowhere
If I can Escape with the wind till the trouble pass my existence..
I would..
I would stay hidden from the sin.
Feeling like My beginning is my end..
Yes the line is thin..
yet within there’s a story…
A story of un-reached glory…
The hype of the night brings me pain at daylight…
Apologetic gestures to whom it may concern
I’ve learned that life is What you mold it into…
Instead our lost time were found
By our unknown wrongs conflicting what’s write…
Trying to understand what’s life..
And What’s life…Without your last breath to have privilege of the claim? But that’s when we notice that our accomplishments were unrecognized and any sweat was unappreciated…
The blood we shed was only a abbreviation for…

A: Poetic Thought By: Marvel Saffold

“Your Long Journey To Nowhere” Is A Poetic Thought Written by:Marvel Saffold © Copyright Musiqplug 2014, All Rights Reserved.

Sponsored By: Frank Electronics
If these words be food to thy spirit and you wish to bless the hands of the cook that wrote it, we @ Musiqplug encourage you to do so from the heart, whatever it is. Writer’s PayPal info below. Thanks!


I'm Marvel Saffold, I'm a Witblogger out of Riviera Beach, FL. I'm also a Rapper, many years ago I wasn't aware of the power of literature. Specially my literature, until I started exploiting writing in different format--from music to poetry. Having made that transition--I even surprised myself many of times. The real kicker is I tasted the power prior--in the 9th Grade. I will forever love Ms. Saunders, my English Teacher at William T. Dwyer; because it was then, in her Class that I started mastering writing literature. Years later I'm finally realizing how much of an influence Her Class had in my writing process even in music. I found myself using all that I've learned from Ms. Saunders. I love writing no matter what it is.

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