Rose Red
SMH… Part. 4
Still SMH… “His Perspective”
Part 4………..
My thoughts were unsettled as I ran out of the door and got into my car,
Before I reversed … I took one last look … and saw his silhouette afar,
There go those feelings again….. smh
Here I am, ready to give my love away
Here I am, unattached
Here I am …… smh
Before I knew it, I was dialing his number,
I guess I needed closure,
I wanted to know why did he welcome me, and subject me to ecstasy, …. Then reject me …. Smh
“ I was expecting your call”, Was his salutation.
“ How could you see the bend of my curves in bare form,
delight in my bouquet,
taste my fruit …. and not be turned on?” My indignation.
After a long pause, he proceeded to explain…..
“ My lady, you do more than turn me on, you take my breath away”
I remained silent, I NEEDED to hear what else he had to say,
“When I received your text, I felt blessed ! “
My panties became wet…… smh
“ You were like a dream in my doorway, illuminated in pure beauty and natural grace,
I was immediately aroused, and when you allowed me, to touch you, baby I felt like I won the lottery…
that shit felt good. Forgive me, if I stole your … potency”
“ You bring heaven to the room, I just had to touch you”
By this time, I’m looking for a place to pull over, I can’t focus he’s making love to my mind …..
“ and when I seen you from behind….. I knew I had to fuck you”
He’s telling me all these sweet nothings,
I’m fantasizing and rubbing,
hoping he grants me the pleasure ……of …..his….. sweet………………………… lovin’ smh.
My breathing became deep, and although I wasn’t standing, my knees became weak!
“ I need you” … I whispered.
To Be Continued… That was still the 3rd encounter… Stay Tuned for Part 5!
A: Poetic Thought By: Rosalind E.
“SMH… Part 4” Is A Poetic Thought Written By: Rosalind Edwards © Copyright Musiqplug 2016, All Rights Reserved.
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