Pharaoh Pip
Rhymes & Reasons
Rhymes & Reasons
Some will forever look at Love like an adversary, like getting commissary from someone who you went to jail for–that wouldn’t post your Bail, out of the ordinary, the hate handed to your Heart shouldn’t be held, but is it necessary, oh hell, all hailed the Creator of Perception, you’re on your knees, prayed for rain and got hail, it’s all deceptions until you pull a chair and look at things from another direction, no lessons, just rhymes and reasons, count your blessings, no time for grieving, unless it’s the Season, you can’t stop Time to have a moment, like holding your breath to take a breather, some will forever look at Love as an opponent, like getting set Free by the Person who took your Freedom foregranted, got dammit. Selah
A: Poetry By: Randy P.
“Rhymes & Reasons” is A Pipoetry by: Randy Pipman (c) Copyright Pipoetry 2017, All Rights Reserved
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