Pharaoh Pip
The And.
The And.
In the beginning was the inevitable end, there was nothing left to do but extend and pretend to expend, then boom imagination sparked, Imagination sparks experimentation, experimentation sparks Creation, Creations sparks circumstance, Circumstances sparks information, Information sparks Revolution, Revolution begets Innovation, Innovation yielded Evolution. so be ye a product of things imagined, your environment was once someone’s brainstorm, look around, Your eyes are being met with decisions made from formed opinions, all that you see is the EVOLUTION of Her and Him, You and I, Us and Them, don’t doubt that it’s in thee, thy art not the exception, the key is participation, stop looking on, get in the Game of Life, take your shot before the clock runs out on you then begin again, every end gets an and. Selah
By: Randy P.
“The And.” is A Pipoetry by: Randy Pipman (c) Copyright Pipoetry 2020, All Rights Reserved
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