Anywhere But Here
March 4, 2014“Anywhere But Here…” Like a feather I glide, aimlessly towards a destination unknown, once again seduced...
Pharaoh Pip!
March 4, 2014“Seek” Search and you shall find what’s meant to be, had you known how deep my...
My Life, My Joy, My Pain Page. 8
March 3, 2014As a few years had passed, as I can remember there were no major circumstantial things...
Kesha Says Part. 10
March 1, 2014Dear Authority…, Respect authority, I do Fear authority, I absolutely refuse. There’s a reason why I’m...
Dreams of A Slave
February 28, 2014“Dreams of A Slave” I ate good this particular night, afterwards I brushed my...
Pharaoh Pip!
PipQuotables! 22nd Entry
February 28, 2014“PipQuotables” “10. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and...
As The Rain Fell
February 27, 2014“As The Rain Fell” As the rain fell…. I stared at my reflection in...
Pharaoh Pip!
21st Century Freedom
February 27, 2014“21st Century Freedom” Freedom, what is it to you, to me it’s the sum of the...
Pharaoh Pip!
A Great Man
February 25, 2014“A Great Man” What makes a Great Man to you, is it he that gives you...
Triple A Series Part. 6
February 25, 2014As an artist… you have to control your craft and give the people what they need...
M&Ms Part. 11
February 24, 2014Motivation is key today… Move along and get the ball rolling… Don’t just sit on your...
Pharaoh Pip!
PipQuotables! 21st Entry
February 22, 2014“PipQuotables” “12 “I, I am He who comforts you; who are you that you are...