All posts tagged "Lord"
Trouble Your Troubles With Hope Part. 15
December 22, 2013To be spiritually minded is life and peace.Romans 8:6 Righteousness in your heart produces beauty in...
December 21, 2013“Abstruse” Though he may shine outwardly Internally its all dull; ’cause Love has reached...
Poem: Questions
December 21, 2013“Questions…” What is the nature of this uncustomary bond between us? What is it...
Pharaoh Pip!
Weird Thoughts Over Tea
December 14, 2013“Weird Thoughts Over Tea” If Life was not, what would be? if there weren’t any light...
Trouble Your Troubles With Hope! Part. 10
November 29, 2013And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of...
Trouble Your Troubles With Hope Part. 8
November 22, 2013Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I...
Pharaoh Pip!
November 18, 2013“Destiny” Is it the end result? or is it the scheme of things that started us...