All posts tagged "Queen"
Organic Food For Thought Part. 10
January 3, 2014Watch your thoughts, they become words… Watch your words, they become actions… Watch your actions, they become habits… Watch...
Poem: Rejection
December 31, 2013“Rejection” I wish this pain would go away…. “I like this other boy, And...
Faith in Motion
December 31, 2013“Faith in Motion…” I may not have my dream job But I suit up like I’ve...
Pharaoh Pip!
Sweet Lullabies
December 28, 2013“Sweet Lullabies…” Baby don’t be scared, fear is just, false evidence appearing real, so don’t you...
Regal Love
December 28, 2013“Regal Love” Can this be an indication? Cupid dropped off the notification An old love...
Tell Me
December 27, 2013“Tell Me…” Tell me you love me; I need to hear it. Rolling off the tip...
Still Love You
December 26, 2013“Still Love You” When others whispered I was still too young, I still loved you....
Déjà Vu
December 24, 2013“Déjà Vu…” I have been here before, The when and how are still a mystery. Behind...
You’re an…
December 17, 2013“You’re an…” You’re my woman, my beautiful queen And I’m the jewels in your...
Motivationally Speaking Part. 5
December 5, 2013God bless, Keep trusting and believing, the Universe will give you the desires of your heart....