Pharaoh Pip
Self Truth
Self Truth
What’s understood doesn’t have to stand trial under the gavel of fools, any one of them jacked up to the Matrix is the Judge, the Jury and the Plaintiff too, in a pool full of sharks can you stay cool, hmmm… your symbolic answer says a lot about you, your brain is a box full of tools, if you don’t know which to use go to School, if you’re broke may I interest you The University of YouTube, the advertisements pays for your tuition, for Google’s sake! go get some Free education, all you have to pay is attention, ad’s playing, now you’re drifting, hey you!-yes you with the Ai in your hand, what’s intelligence in the presence of imagination, if you don’t know the difference go back a few sentence, discernment is paid for separately, mistakes are part of the learning process, the keepers locked the gate to success, use this key to progress: repentance, forgive yourself often, always pardon you before you ask others for forgiveness, for you knew not today what was meant to, I beseech thy, to thine own self be true, that’s closest you’ll ever get to your Truth and nothing but your Truth, so help you GOD. Selah
A: Poetry By: Randy P.
“Self Truth” is A Pipoetry by: Randy Pipman (c) Copyright Pipoetry 2019, All Rights Reserved
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