Poem: Letter To Katherine
“Letter To Katherine…”
Everybody wants you…
Heralded as the interest of many misguided affections
In a tainted world where the offspring of Lucifer
Glorify the last prophets of love
And lust has stricken love from the hearts of mankind
to a mere recollection… It must be overwhelming.
I battle with the impure savagery that pollutes my heart
With each rise and setting of the moon,
Sometimes even questioning if I too have become a conformist
Submitting to infatuation like many before me
Then I remember it isn’t for the same reasons… You move me.
You make me want to be better, to achieve, so that in the off chance that one day fate aligns us, I will be ready and have more to offer.
The beauty within your eyes can only be matched by the inspiration
You trigger within the imaginations of the minds you touch.
At first glace, these compliments, muddled by pronounces, may seem shallow… but part of me wishes deeply that they are not taken as just that.
To Be Continued… That was the Beginning…
See the Ending in my Up Coming Book of Poetry “The Beginning of The End” scheduled to release in 2014
A: Poetic Thought By: Jemael B.
“Letter To Katherine”… Is A Poetic Thought Written By: Jemael Bazile © Copyright Musiqplug 2013, All Rights Reserved.