Peephole of My Soul 2
“Peephole of My Soul 2”
Look at me through the peephole of my soul
You can see that I’ve been drugged through the mud
But I stand here clean, no bath
I was built for the struggle
I’m strong with no muscles
Look at me through the peephole of my soul
You can see that my wisdom is of old
I’ve unlock seals not yet told
Unappreciated for my greatness
Waiting……for you to catch on
Look at me through the peephole of my soul
You can see that I’m the truth in the mirror
That I shine without the glory
I’m the title to their story
Look at me through the peephole of my soul
Tell me what do you see
If course you see the turmoil
Of course you see me standing in my purest
But what do you see through the peephole of my soul
You see me looking out at you through the peephole of my soul!!!
A: Poetic Thought By: Yow’ab.
“Peephole of My Soul 2” Is A Poetic Thought by: Yow’ab Ben-Yahweh © Copyright Musiqplug 2013, All Rights Reserved.
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