Before Yahweh our Father, Who has given us the gift of love, I Yow’ab Ben-Yahweh, join with you, Yaphah Bath-Yahweh in the covenant of marriage. I promise to give my faithful & life-giving love to you & share my life with you, as long as we may live. And may Yahweh witness our love for each other for the rest of our lives.
In the sight of Yahweh’s love, & in the presence of our families & friends, I Yow’ab Ben-Yahweh, take you to be my wife. I offer my friendship & trust in you, promising to be faithful & understanding; as long as we shall live. In the presence of the Lord Yahushua, do I take you, Yaphah Bath-Yahweh, to be my wife, promising with Divine Assistance to be unto you a loving & faithful husband, until death shall separate us. I love you Yaphah. Long ago you were just a dream & a prayer. Thank you for being what you are to me. With our future as bright as the promises of Yahweh, I will care for you, honor & protect you. I lay down my life for you, my friend & my love.
I love you Yaphah, & I know that this love is from Yahweh. Through all of the uncertainties & trails of the present & future, I promise to be faithful to you & love you. I promise to guide & protect you, as Yahushua does his church, as long as we both shall live.
I Yow’ab, take you, Yaphah, to be my wife; to have & to hold, to love & to cherish, ‘til death do us part or the Lord Yahushua come for His own, I pledge you my love & faithfulness. Yaphah, I will be a strong spiritual leader for us in our life, in joys & in sorrows ‘til death do us part. I give you all that I have, myself, & my love. All these things I pledge to you in the Name of our Lord Yahushua. With the Spirit of Yahweh, I seal my vow of love to you, & pray I may Yahweh’s place in our home, in the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.
I love you Yaphah, & thank Yahweh for the love that has bound our hearts & lives together in spiritual fellowship of marriage. I will love, honor, & cherish you always. As we enter upon the privileges & joys of life’s most Holy relationship, & begin together the great adventure of life, I will love & be true to you, so long as we both shall live.
A: Poetic Thought By: Yow’ab.
“Yaphah” Is A Poetic Thought by: Yow’ab Ben-Yahweh © Copyright Musiqplug 2014, All Rights Reserved.
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