Pharaoh Pip
The Clue’s Blue
The Clue’s Blue
I’m stuck in a bloody World looking for blue’s clues, that amused who?, absent of thought we’re all abused fools, without proper channels and context it’s all fake news, for the stripped loose screws, power driven without proper fit and force from empowered tools, like Love, you’re not power full if your weakness is you, wage your traits and pay your dues, it’s better to measure twice then cut once, you’ll never know the donts if you do not, go ahead and choose, I’m not telling you what to do, those are your shoes, you and I both can’t walk in them two, a tree is both a seed and its seed too, like walking an idea on a single thought, c’mon close your eyes and see where I’m heading to, food for thought is best chewed with a closed mouth, you have to swallow to digest this, you left to be right, what goes south comes up reaching for the blues, that’s the clue. Selah
A: Poetry By: Randy P.
“The Clue’s Blue” is A Pipoetry by: Randy Pipman (c) Copyright Pipoetry 2018, All Rights Reserved
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