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Think like a King III


Think like a King III

“Royal Thoughts of a King…”



Thinking like a king and upholding those thoughts are harder to accomplish by the day because of either the everyday people and surroundings we place ourselves in. Then again we never have to place ourselves in the surroundings or around those un-beneficial folks. They’re sometimes forced around us so as a king if you’re gonna have that title you have have that strength that it takes to endure all the negativity that may come about in our lives that can add burden to our situations rather its a relationship problem..Job problem doesn’t matter being a king your obligated to act according and play your royal role. Dig deep and find the solution if you can’t then obviously you’re not fit to be a king..



Think Like a King… Written By: Marvel Saffold © Copyright Musiqplug 2014, All Rights Reserved.


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I'm Marvel Saffold, I'm a Witblogger out of Riviera Beach, FL. I'm also a Rapper, many years ago I wasn't aware of the power of literature. Specially my literature, until I started exploiting writing in different format--from music to poetry. Having made that transition--I even surprised myself many of times. The real kicker is I tasted the power prior--in the 9th Grade. I will forever love Ms. Saunders, my English Teacher at William T. Dwyer; because it was then, in her Class that I started mastering writing literature. Years later I'm finally realizing how much of an influence Her Class had in my writing process even in music. I found myself using all that I've learned from Ms. Saunders. I love writing no matter what it is.

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