Pharaoh Pip!
21st Century Freedom
“21st Century Freedom”
Freedom, what is it to you, to me it’s the sum of the right to make and do some; of yourself, some thing, some one, some how, some where, some way, etcetera and the shadow of its array, but some say it’s not the pot it’s the clay, I say Nay, it’s the potter, it’s the red dirt and the water, it’s the spirit that told you to put them together, with the physical manifestation that allowed you to shape and formulate an idea to a creation, the word freedom doesn’t warrant a constitution, that’s a man made condition paid for by your hard work to a financial institution, for such things as profession, protection, education, medication, expression, anything that’s conditional to your current situation, yes, your citizenship to the nations on this 21 Century Earth is now just a transaction, after reading this what will be your reactions, will you ration freedom to just going on social networks venting your minute to minute frustrations and spilling your unprocessed thoughts and feelings 24/7, will you go on twerking, oh everything foolish is a full blown movement, but would you march for those ratchet homo-sapiens, I remember when civil & human rights was a movement in civilization, is freedom just getting an emotional high on likes for the sexually explicit pictures and videos that you’re posting, I don’t know maybe it’s good activities in your mentions, is that freedom, when it costs you something without the possibility of a per diem for the continuation of expressing your every emotion? Well I beg to differ, that’s just a condition within an already expensive condition, all of your habitual emotional expressions online is making others millions, now ask yourself, after 100 likes, views and retweets on your web publication that’s making these unholy allianced corporations billions, do you feel free? Do you feel safe? What are your ideas doing? Where’s your creations? Where’s your physical manifestations? How are your relations? What are you doing with your expensive education? Well, are you feeling better after taking your expensive medications? Are you even close to making a dime in your Profession? Can you see yourself catching the paid for happiness that you’ve been pursuing? Do you even have an explanation or answers to these questions that I’m asking? I’m saying all of this out of desperation! Your 21st Century Freedom requires reevaluation. Selah
A: Pipoetry By: Randy P.
“21st Century Freedom” is A Pipoetry by: Randy Pipman (c) Copyright Pipoetry 2014, All Rights Reserved