Rose Red
SMH… Part. 2.5
Still SMH… “His Perspective”
Part 2.5………..
Ding Dong… (Door Bell Sound off)
I anticipated the doorbell ringing like my next check,
in pursuit to the door I once over myself….
one last check…
Bemused at what I saw when I opened the door, I must pardon myself as I pick my mouth up off the floor.
The girl of my dreams….
Before me….
I am blessed by her presence, in all of her glory…
I kept my composure…..
Embraced her, gentle exposure…..
As I wrapped my arms around her essence, I recollect all of the chances I had to be her blessing…
But at the same time obliged for the brief slice of her life…
Incredible! but now that I have her here I plan to make this night unforgettable.
” Please…..Come in” I welcomed her…
She walked in and left the past behind her and as I walked behind her, I knew I had to have her……
As her hips swayed, so did my thoughts
turned up and turned on by the sensual visuals that her body brought…..
I don’t know if love is what I felt, but since she left, I haven’t been able to love anyone else…..quite the same…
She loved me, sexed me, fed my…gut, I must’ve been a fool……
Because I fucked this up…
I touched her….
She hadn’t even said hello…
I felt her…..
I began to love her below…..
I adored her scent, melodic, played my nose hairs like an instrument….
I wasn’t just pleasing her, I was breathing her……
As my loving became intense, so did her grip, so did her pace….
Her eyes rolled, her body quaked…..
I flipped her over and marveled at her beautiful behind,
stumped in a reverie, I rubbed her body back to relaxation….
Back to realization…..
I halted right in my tracks….
From pulling out my dick and blowing her heart out of her back…..
I recovered her clothes and asked her to dress
in disappointment and submission, she accepted my request….
I led her to the door without a single word spoken, heart broken….
If only she knew how badly I wanted to make sweet love to her…..
If only she knew how much she meant to me…..
If only I could turn back the hands of time, she would be mine….
and I wouldn’t have…….H.I.V.
To Be Continued… That was still the 2nd encounter… Stay Tuned for Part 3!
A: Poetic Thought By: Rosalind E.
“SMH… Part 2.5” Is A Poetic Thought Written By: Rosalind Edwards © Copyright Musiqplug 2014, All Rights Reserved.
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