My Life, My Joy, My Pain Page. 11
“It’s Showtime…! (I’m not Gay)”
During this era of my life I stayed in Monroe Heights. Now, Monroe Heights is when and where that I did a lot of first things in my adolescence. Say; my first time hunching lol… I was maybe around 6 years old, but don’t judge me, I was a natural trier… meaning if I had it on mind for a good period of time, I’m going to try it, till this day even… Well I had this one particular chick that I had a crush on back then that stayed up the street from me. I forgot her name, but we would hang out pretty much everyday, then this one specific day I influenced it and we took it to another level….
Now if you are familiar with my music then you know of the track called “Show Time…” Well in this song we are trying to influence role playing. Well it’s crazy, because around 6yrs old I was experiencing it already. Ok not to get sidetracked, but this is how the story goes… Setting; we are in the room playing, my mom and uncle are in the living room talking and or watching T.V. while playing, I come with the brilliant idea to hunch and she was down, but…we decided to play Super Man and Lois Lane. Now, I had to jump off my treasure chest, plop on the floor, save her, then we’d hunched. To be honest I don’t know how she gets in need of saving or what even happened with our villain… All I remember is we just skipped that part and got to saving, but I think my jump caused too much ruckus and they walked in on us in our savior mode… LMAO and they immediately sent her home and told me I’m gone get in trouble. Anywho, I never did get a punishment, but atleast they knew I wasn’t gay.
Having this simple memory brings about many precious moments in my life, memories that I will share with you from top to bottom. All I can say is if I ever remember who my friend was, I will find her ass and do some real role play. LOL I doubt that she’d even remember this encounter, but it’s all good though. Whomever she is, I truly hope that she is living a healthy and fruitful life with someone special, wherever she may be. Nevertheless I must say that our adolescent encounter was a good adventurous time to remember as a child.
To Be Continued next Monday…
My Life, My Joy, My Pain… The Autobiography
A: Marvelous Thought By: Marvel
“”It’s Showtime…! (I’m not Gay)”” was A Marvelous Thought by: Marvel Saffold from his Autobiography “My Life, My Joy, My Pain” © Copyright Marlevous Thoughts 2014, All Rights Reserved.