Broken promise
Heart breaks and set backs, my mind body and soul is forced to accept that, I’m not you’re not we’re not perfect but through Gods eyes we’re only human and over full of mistakes preordained..
Only such remain like that walk home and conversations with our shadows because of our intentions dove deep but the waters were shallow. A man a woman of What we speak is all we obtain, and when that’s breached by our selfish thoughts of personal gain..
we only hurt ourselves..
We only search for wealth but you can’t die with material earnings..we die with our legacy burning to a crisp. Learning to dismiss the deception, only baring rights to the thought of when we were honest..
Now all is lost..
the love the loyalty the pride and everything our lost time has accomplished because we failed our great intentions all in one broken promise..
A: Poetic Thought By: Marvel Saffold
“Broken promise” Is A Poetic Thought Written by:Marvel Saffold © Copyright Musiqplug 2014, All Rights Reserved.
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