Happy New Year!
“Happy New Year!”
Welcome to another 365 days!
And another 52 weeks…
Welcome to a million people claiming a new year new me..
Welcome to the capilism, of my last years regrets..
Welcome to some new goals and a new life mission set..
Welcome to new friends, if the old ones held you back..
Welcome to a new job, because you lost the other one too fast..
Welcome to a new light..
Welcome to a new fight..
Welcome to a new destination
Welcome to a new flight…
And Your Plane has landed.
Happy New Year from Musiqplug | marvel
A: Poetic Thought By: Marvel
“Happy New Year!” Is A Poetic Thought by: Marvel Saffold © Copyright Marlevous Thoughts 2014, All Rights Reserved.
Sponsored By: PBVI Institute