Gradually fading, I’m losing myself,
Trapped in a kaleidoscope, where
reflections of reality significantly contrasts the intricately collaged fantasies in my head.
Life is sweet, but daydreaming, feels better.
Ignoring the signs, that each time I close my eyes, I return one DNA less,
Yet still I give in, to the allure; and slowly drift into REM.
In this lightest state of sleep; lies my inception and demise.
Tough exterior shed, I relinquish power.
Contorting into intricately crafted molds,
Submissive I’ve become to the reign.
The deeper I drift, the darker it gets, sadistically intrigued I’ve become.
No sign of my thoughts or my feelings left. Just a shell..
This time the adventure was different,
I could hear me, whisper in my ear, and I heeded.
Wake Up Girl! It’s OK…that you love enough to sacrifice “I” for “us”, chiseling away at the surface, in
preparation of a rebirth.
Cutting off strings….
But…..where’s your sacrifice thus?
I don’t see no chips falling from that wood carving.
No compromising, just mind games,
Where’s “his” sacrifice for “we”?
Yes! Fantasies out glamours reality,
But beneath every fantasy is a reality.
Reality is, if it were meant to be,
I wouldn’t have to sleep to experience it in my dreams…
“Fading…” Was written By: Yekesha Lambert Frederick © Copyright Witish 2014, All Rights Reserved.